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Adraxian.  A belligerent species who commanded territory adjacent to the Orion Planetary Alliance.  Much of their territory was heavily irradiated and inhospitable;  as a result, their borders were frequently violated by vessels hoping to dispose of toxic waste.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).  Many Adraxian weapons utilized axion particles.  (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Azdahr.  A race of highly advanced explorers from the planet Azdhara, who deemed the acquisition of knowledge paramount to all other doctrines.  To better expand their horizons, the Azdahr, along with the Procyons and Rutanians, founded the Orion Planetary Alliance on solar day zero (April 4, 2191 on the Earth calendar).  While the Alliance as a whole functioned as a federal state, Azdahra’s governing body was a geniocracy—rule by the intelligent.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).  In the ultimate display of their intellectual prowess, the Azdahr spent several centuries erecting a Dyson Sphere around their star system.  The process was ongoing as of 2406, and required the resources of three planets to begin construction.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

The Azdahr were a slender people with bright red skin, large black eyes, and a pair of pointy elfin ears.  Though they once propagated their species via traditional methods, a strong desire to breed desirable traits prompted them to invest a great deal of energy in genetic engineering.  By the early twenty-fifth century, all Azdahr were engineered in laboratories as needed by society.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).  Extremely long-lived (in excess of seven hundred years), the Azdahr interacted with other alien races only out of necessity and had little desire to engage with those whom they considered lesser beings.  (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Astorian.  An alien species who controlled a significant empire near the Orion Alliance. Renowned for their beauty, the Astorians had purple skin and silky hair. Their food, however, was generally quite unpopular with other species. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]). During the Corathi War, the Astorians invaded Hadean space and used their territory as a staging ground for several campaigns against the Corathi.  On solar day 78653 (August 8, 2406), the Astorian Consulate on the Hadean planet Jovan V was bombed by unknown forces. (“Home Front” [SU]).

babbit.  A type of small domesticated animal often kept as a pet. One babbit was rescued from Tarqaron Station prior to its destruction in August 2406. (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Byzerian. Natives of the planet Byzell VI.  Though they had no official relations with the Orion Alliance, they were generally considered an agreeable species.  Less agreeable was Byzerian food, which was toxic to most alien species, aside from humans. (“Home Front” [SU]).


Corathi. A highly resilient race of warriors with reptilian origins that could be traced back to Eredas, their native homeworld. They had viscous black blood and lifespans that commonly exceed three hundred years.  The average adult was hairless, with ashen white skin and blazing orange eyes.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).  A highly intelligent species, the Corathi achieved a rudimentary form of space travel some five thousand years ago, at a time when many of their contemporaries were still in various stages of an industrial age.  (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]). The Corathi had a highly structured culture based upon the teachings of the Prophet Na’zar.  Much of this knowledge was chronicled by Na’zar himself in the early days of the empire.  The text was highly varied, and included historical accounts, cooking recipes, and thoughtful anecdotes from the author, who often stressed the importance of procedure and protocol, but simultaneously advocated exploration—both spiritual and physical.  As a result, the Corathi were a deeply religious people, with a pantheon of gods whose wisdom was sought when the wisdom of Na’zar proved insufficient.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).  With the advent of the Great War in the early empire, the Corathi soon acquired a more militaristic bent, and rigid adherence to procedure and protocol took precedence over Na’zar’s other initiatives.  Banishment to hyperspace only served to magnify those tendencies, and over the span of many ages, Corathi culture began to stagnate as the people clung to their ancient traditions.  Dissent was frowned upon, and by the time the Corathi emerged from hyperspace in 2395, their civilization had stagnated considerably. Though considerably older than the many denizens of the Orion Alliance, the Corathi had advanced so little during their years of isolation that their technology was barely on par with the younger races they sought to conquer.  (“Shadows of an Empire” [TFF]).

After the Corathi suffered defeat in their war with the Orion Alliance, the Treaty of Juton merged what remained of the Corathi into the Kotuun Imperium. The Kotuun shared a distant ancestor with the Corathi and both species were outwardly quite similar. As the more dominant species, the Corathi moved to Kalidar, the Kotuun homeworld, and reestablished the Corathi Empire from there. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

The Corathi were governed by a Conclave of Overseers, a group of nine high-ranking government officials who were appointed to their roles by the Corathi’s supreme ruler, the Cerebrate.  Families with a noble heritage were often favored for these coveted positions, and some prestigious family lines were able to hold a position on the Conclave for many generations.  Though the Conclave of Overseers was responsible for drafting laws and official policies, it was the Cerebrate who passed final judgment on all legislation.  Essentially a monarch, the Cerebrate’s role was the most powerful in the empire.  Upon his or her death, the next of kin would theoretically assume control of the empire, however, a long history of political instability within the Empire resulted in a litany of assassinations or other tumultuous transfers of power.  As a result, an elite network of covert agents known as the Cortisan Enclave serve to protect the Cerebrate and needs of the empire as a whole. The Conclave convened in an ivory citadel that hovered over the capital city of Keldoth-il. (“Safe Harbor” [SU], “The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Darsaean.  An alien race known to use axion particles in their weapons.  They inhabited a region of space near the Corathi Empire.  (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Denvali. An alien race that was conquered by the Gokadi 4,000 years ago. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Essel-dar. An alien species who controlled territory tens of thousands of light-years from the Orion Alliance. In late 2406, Cadet Za’lon observed the Essel-dar’s battle with the Eqra while she was in the Great Machine. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Eqra.  The Eqra were a race of synthetic entities originally created about 5,000 years ago to assist the denizens of the Gokadi Republic. These ancient Eqra were generally humanoid and capable of limited autonomy, though most of their actions were guided by the Great Machine on the Gokadi homeworld. The arrangement between the Gokadi and Eqra was considered beneficial at first, but in the wake of the Great War between the Corathi and the Ividians, the Gokadi were quick to fill the power void. When the Gokadi’s tendencies eventually turned belligerent, the Eqra attempted to negotiate a peaceable end to the violence. In a very short-sighted response, the Gokadi slaughtered the Eqra. This resulted in the eventual decline of the Gokadi Republic. Meanwhile, remains of the Eqra were scattered across dozens of the worlds in and around Corathi and Kotuun territory—and mostly forgotten for the better part of several millennia. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

In 2406, Kotuun Overseer Xa’yen became aware of the ancient Eqra scattered across the Corathi Empire. After scouring the region for many months, Xa’yen was able to raise a considerable army. He intended to use the Eqra to destabilize the Corathi Empire and Orion Alliance, but without only limited access to the Great Machine on the Gokadi homeworld, his army was less than effective. When the Gokadi Ambassador Quayjin became aware of Xa’yen’s machinations in October 2406, the Gokadi destroyed their homeworld to prevent anyone from using the Great Machine ever again. However, believing that step was insufficient, Cadet Za’lon used the Great Machine prior to its destruction to command all of the Eqra to self-destruct. The effort was successful, and Eqra across the Milky Way were obliterated. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

At some unknown point after the decline of the Gokadi, the xenophobic Erytians discovered the Eqra and deemed them useful to their cause.  These Eqra were upgraded to include organic components and vastly improved intelligence; they were used to accommodate the Erytians during rare encounters with other alien species. They were also given complete autonomy, and were generally permitted to function without interference from the Erytians. Higher-ranking units were even granted the authority to negotiate with other species—though the Erytians could assume direct control at any moment.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU], “Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU], “The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

The Eqra were subsequently used by the Erytians to obliterate all other forms of life in the Erytian Universe. The Kovium whe last empire standing, and were driven to extinction by the Eqra in the Battle of Lamelis Minor. Not long after delivering this crushing blow, the Erytians and Eqra moved on to attack the Revaki Universe. The Eqra delivered a devastating blow that effectively destroyed the Revaki and forced them to seek shelter in the Starlight Universe. In July 2406, the Eqra were brought back to the Starlight Universe to claim the Tarqaron Expanse for the Erytians. In a rare turn, they were delivered a crushing defeat during the Battle of the Ring on solar day 78640. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU], “Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]). The Erytians and the Eqra subsequently retreated to a neutron star beyond the Aquila Rift. Those Eqra units survived the purge in October 2406 and continued to serve the Erytians. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Erytian.  An extremely powerful race of ancient beings who inhabited a barren realm known colloquially as the Erytian  Universe.  Highly xenophobic, the Erytians eradicated all other life in their realm and used those many resources to construct a complex series of dark matter generators to prevent the forces of dark energy from tearing their realm asunder.  Unable to stem the tide of dark energy, the Erytians eventually spread to other universes, including the Revaki Universe and the Starlight Universe, where they engaged in protracted conflicts in order to secure the boundless resources of an elusive anomaly known as a quantum phase transition.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU], “Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

The Erytians employed a race of synthetic entities known as the Eqra to serve as both their warriors and avatars during encounters with other species.  The Eqra were generally autonomous, but could be controlled directly by the Erytians if required.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

Virtually nothing was known about Erytian physiology; their reclusive nature meant that over the course of their long war with the Revaki, not a single Erytian was ever seen in the flesh.  It was, however, believed they were not humanoid.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Hadean. An alien species who controlled a small territory between Corathi and Mandroth space.  They had pale green skin and a ridge that ran up the bridge of their nose. Due to their proximity to Mandroth space, many Hadeans joined the Mandroth Raiders. During the Corathi War, the Astorians used Hadean space as a staging ground for several campaigns into Corathi space.  On solar day 78653 (August 8, 2406), the Astorian Consulate on Jovan V was bombed by unknown forces. (“Home Front” [SU]).

illiat. A type of alien creature whose venom allegedly had some marginal healing properties when combined with goat urine and oregano.  Kumi Shibata whipped up such a potion in July 2406.   (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Ividian.  The ancient nemeses of the Corathi some 5,000 years ago.  After many years of fragile peace between the two powers, the Corathi instigated war with the Ividians.  The conflict proved long and bloody, but the Ividians prevailed in the end.  They would later seal the Corathi in a hyperspace prison as punishment for starting the war. Though they prevailed over the Corathi, the Ividians nonetheless went into decline and vanished sometime later. (“Home Front” [SU]).

Myranite.  An alien species known for its precognitive abilities.  Despite the fame, less than one percent of the population actually possessed the ability.  (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Ketu.  A technologically inferior race observed by a series of Azdahr probes.  They controlled a handful of star systems approximately 450 light-years from Tarqaron.  (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Klabdonian stick bug.  A type of insect not known for its muscular physique.  That being said, Kumi Shibata insisted that she had seen stick bugs with more muscle than Aidan McKenzie.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

Kotuun.  An advanced alien species and distant relations to the Corathi. They chose to remain neutral during the Great War between the Corathi and the Ividians some 5,000 years ago and claimed much of the Corathi's territory after the war. In the millennia that followed, they established amicable relations with many of their neighbors, including the Orion Alliance.  When the Corathi eventually emerged from isolation in 2395, the Kotuun rejoined with their brethren.  The Corathi and the Kotuun were the primary aggressors during the subsequent war against the Orion Planetary Alliance.  When the war ended in Corathi defeat in 2405, the Kotuun absorbed the Corathi into their territory and reestablished the Corathi Empire within its boundaries. Because much of the habitable land on Kalidar was near the water, the Kotuun primarily had a pescatarian diet. (“Home Front” [SU]). 

Kovium.  The Kovium commanded the last empire standing in opposition to the Erytians in the Erytian Universe. After a lengthy war, the Kovium were driven to extinction by the Eqra in the Battle of Lamelis Minor.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Lysithian. An alien species with an exceptionally complex language that was impossible for humans to speak.  In 2406, Lysithian scientists were developing a new antibiotic under the tongue-twisting name frxlixn’glrbzhnide. (“Home Front” [SU]).

Nashiran.  An alien civilization native to the planet Nashira. They were somewhat birdlike, with a long neck, beady eyes, and a considerable beak. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]). The Nashirans controlled several dozen star systems that were known collectively as the Nashiran Free States. (“Moments of Transition” [SU]). Though they were on good terms most of their neighbors, the Nashirans generally kept to themselves. In late 2405, in a rare political move, the Nashirans participated in the negotiations that resulted in the Treaty of Juton. As part of the treaty, the Nashirans agreed to monitor several hyperspace relay stations along the Corathi border. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Procyon.  Large, hadrosaurine-like creatures who were sought out by the Azdahr for their prowess on the battlefield.  They were among the founding members of the Orion Planetary Alliance in 2191. As a result, the Procyons held many positions on the Alliance Security Council, and were often dispatched by the Azdahr to deal with combat situations.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

As one of the closest neighbors to the Solar System, the Procyons were initially resistant to the idea of the violent and unpredictable humans joining the Orion Alliance, and instead suggested a quarantine of the entire Solar System.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]). 


Revaki.  An insectoid species native to the planet Revak in a parallel universe colloquially known as the Revaki Universe.  Within this universe, the Revaki established a vast and prosperous empire that spanned hundreds of star systems and thousands of worlds. The eruption of a quantum phase transition in the early twenty-third century threatened their prosperity and brought the wrath of the powerful Erytians—who engaged in a protracted war of attrition with the Revaki to keep them away from the phase transition while they worked to harvest its boundless energy.  By the twenty-fifth century, the war was lost; Revak was destroyed by the anomaly and the Erytians had successfully obliterated most of the Revaki’s defenses.  The Revaki quietly established a new home in the distant backwaters of the Orion Planetary Alliance, and started the fight against the Erytians anew with help from the Alliance.   (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU], “Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Rutanian.  Natives of Rutan, the Rutanians were among the founding members of the Orion Planetary Alliance in 2191.  The Rutanians were slight, rabbit-like creatures who were not known for their longevity. Even so, a unique flair for commerce made them an indispensable part of the Alliance.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Sarkaloid.  Allies of the Mandroth Raiders. They were a hefty, beetle-like race who often served as grunts in the Mandroth army.  A Sarkaloid was dispatched to Titania in August 2406 to intercept a package of Byzerian cocoa destined for Doctor Kumi Shibata.  The unfortunate fellow was killed by the Vale Corporation before he could complete his mission. (“Home Front” [SU]).

thil’virgun.  A group of fantastic beasts—not unlike Earth’s dinosaurs—who lived on the planet Kalidar prior to the arrival of the Kotuun.  Though the thil’virgun were already in decline at that time, the Kotuun eventually hunted them into extinction.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

Tian-shi.  A technologically inferior race known to inhabit a sparsely populated region far from the Orion Alliance.  Both the Nashirans and the Corathi had contact with the Tian-shi prior to 2406. (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

veldar plant. A delicate flowering plant that was native to the planet Kalidar. They were generally favored for their bright red leaves, however, as blossoms were quite rare. Xa’yen was attempting to raise a veldar plant aboard the ICS Kel-ti’yar in 2406. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Velora.  A race of hostile aliens who engaged in a series of short conflicts with the Orion Alliance in the 2390s.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).  Many of the Velora’s weapons made use of axion particles.  (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Voskin.  An alien culture known for primarily for being surly thugs.  A group of them raided a dispensary outside of Alpena around the year 2400, prompting the dispensary’s owner to erect a dispersion field around his business. (“Home Front” [SU]).

Yubidian.  A race of mystics known to sell goods within the Orion Alliance.  Kumi Shibata once purchased an entire lot of potions from a Yubidian apothecary on Ka’Tula Prime. (“Safe Harbor” [SU]). In August 2406, Shibata purchased a package of Byzerian cocoa from one of her Yubidian contacts. (“Home Front” [SU]).

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