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  • Writer's pictureChris Adamek

At long last, the third book in the series, The Sword of Damocles, is available for you to purchase on Amazon! Better late than never, am I right? And, hot damn, the cover for this one is incredible! I hope you enjoy this one. Unlike the first two books, the plot in this one moves like wildfire.

ALSO: Very special thanks to Karl Stoppek-Langner for the awesome starships.

ALSO ALSO: For the first time in ages, I decided to create some new explosions. Every single explosion getting hit with one of the green beams is brand new! The rest of them are the tired, old explosions that I've been using since I was a teenager...

I've also been busy with a bunch of other site updates. The list is moderately long, so I'm just going to use some bullet points.

• Thanks to the wonderful work of Karl Stoppek-Langner, the Starship section of the database has been greatly expanded and includes profiles for quite a few different ships.

• Thanks to the wonderful work of me, most of the stars in the Celestial Classification have received brand new artwork.

• I've added some deck plans for several locations aboard the Starlight, including the science lab, main engineering, the mess hall, Captain Hunter's quarters, and sickbay. I really recommend checking these out because The Sword of Damocles pays quite a few visits to those parts of the ship.

• Over in the Personnel Profiles, Commander Mitchell's eyebrows are no longer grossly asymmetrical, and, most importantly, Ryan Galloway has been made 89% hotter. 🔥

• I've updated the maps in Stellar Cartography to reflect all 50 gazillion star systems mentioned in The Sword of Damocles.

• In the rare event you're interested (and you're probably not), I'm still working on integrating Damocles into the rest of the database sections.

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