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auto-suture.  A medical device used to rapidly mend dermal lacerations.  Doctor Shibata used an auto-suture on Ryan Galloway’s shoulder on solar day 78638 (July 2406) after he was shot by the Eqra.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]). In October 2406, Shibata used an auto-suture to treat a wound on Captain Hunter’s chin. A few weeks later, Za’lon’s myriad injuries were also healed with an auto-suture. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

biometric implant.  A subcutaneous device, typically placed behind the ear, that allowed for the transfer of the user’s consciousness into the metaverse.   It could also store vital health information and provided a way to track an individual’s movement. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]). In October 2406, Ensign McKenzie was able to track Cadet Za’lon on the surface of the Gokadi homeworld using her biometric implant. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


catrixolin gel. A topical adhesive in use aboard Alliance starships to treat skin abrasions and prevent scarring. Doctor Shibata used the gel on Captain Hunter after he was injured during the battle with the Kel-ti’yar in late 2406. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

cerolene foam. A topical cream that proved useful in the hydration and rejuvenation of the skin.  The Nashiran Acolytes of Gaius were well known for their use of the foam.  On solar day 78633 (July 2406), Alex Cortez and Kumi Shibata rigged a locker to spray the foam on Aidan McKenzie as a practical joke.  (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

frxlixn’glrbzhnide.  A promising new antibiotic developed by the Lysithians in 2406.  Side effects included dry mouth, nausea, and—much to Ryan Galloway’s dismay—unspecified sexual side effects.   Much to Doctor Shibata’s delight, the name of the drug was virtually unpronounceable.  (“Home Front” [SU]).

hypodermic injector.  A medical device used to administer drugs to a patient. (“Home Front” [SU]).

Jutiapa virus.  An uncommon virus on Earth in the early twenty-fifth century.  In 2406, a new strain of the virus appeared; though it was not particularly deadly, permanent blindness was often a side-effect.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).


myelostizine. A powerful painkiller that was often prescribed to treat migraines. Doctor Shibata prescribed myelostizine for Captain Hunter when his headaches became bothersome in September 2406. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


pradexon. An over-the-counter drug commonly used to treat aches and pains.  In August 2406, Zachary Hunter took some pradexon to treat a lingering headache. (“Home Front” [SU]). Hunter continued to take pradexon for his headaches into late September 2406, when he eventually exceeded his monthly allowance of the drug. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

vulnerine.  A mild pain medication in use aboard Orion Alliance starships in the early twenty-fifth century.  Doctor Shibata prescribed five cc’s of vulnerine to Ryan Galloway after he was shot by the Eqra on solar day 78638 (July 2406).  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

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