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Agreement 5867-B. The official name of the treaty that established the Orion Planetary Alliance in April 2191. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Alliance Intelligence Division.  An agency under the authority of the Orion Planetary Alliance, tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing security information around the galaxy.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Alliance Security Council.  An agency under the authority of the Orion Planetary Alliance.  It was charged with ensuring peace and security in and around the Orion Alliance.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Battle of the Ring.  A major defeat for the Erytians that took place on solar day 78640 (July 25, 2406) in the outskirts of the Tarqaron System.  The Orion Planetary Alliance, the Revaki Imperium, and later the Vale Corporation launched an attack on an immensely powerful Erytian Ring in the Tarqaron System in order to prevent the Erytians from establishing a foothold in the Starlight Universe.  Though the Erytians committed only a single mothership to the defense of the Ring, the vessel was sufficiently powerful to decimate the entirety of the Revaki fleet and cripple most of the Alliance starships.  The late addition of nearly forty starships from the Vale Corporation proved sufficient to turn the battle's tide against the Erytians and the mothership was destroyed.  A small group of officers from the OAS Starlight simultaneously boarded one of the auxiliary craft powering the Erytian Ring and used a shuttlecraft to disable it, thus preventing the Ring from moving; it was subsequently destroyed by the quantum phase transition, thus ending the battle.  In the battle’s aftermath, the Vale Corporation assumed control of the entire region, in direct violation of Alliance laws.   (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Bureau of Data Requisition. Part of the Azdahr government prior to the formation of the Orion Planetary Alliance. The acquisition of new information was at the forefront of the Azdahr agenda, and through the Bureau of Requisition, they were able to use their technological superiority to acquire said information by any means necessary.  There were many divisions within the bureau. A young Vivic once served in the Department of Mythologies. Though the bureau saw great success, its heavy-handed methods did not endear the Azdahr to their neighbors and it was disbanded after the formation of the Orion Alliance in 2191. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Corathi Empire. The Corathi Empire was an ancient and powerful coalition of Corathi colonies that was founded by the Prophet Na’zar some 5,000 years ago.  The Corathi rapidly expanded their empire in the decades that followed and eventually came into contact with the Ividian Confederation. A bloody conflict ensued and resulted in the eventual annihilation of both civilizations.  In the final hours of the war, the Ividians managed to seal the bulk of the Corathi fleet into a hyperspace cavity.  Though the Ividians prevailed, so costly was the victory that the entire species was doomed to extinction in the years that followed.  The Great War soon passed into legend and its mysterious aggressors faded from memory.  Thousands of years later, in January 2395, a small flexure in the Alteran Expanse gave the Corathi egress from their eternal prison.  Led by Overseer Xi’yor, the Corathi were quick to establish a foothold in the region. (“Moments of Transition” [SU], “In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).


After building his forces on the outskirts of the Orion Alliance for several years, Xi’yor was ready reclaim the territories lost to the Ividans thousands of years ago.  On solar day 75979 (April 2399), the Corathi forged a hasty alliance with the Kotuun, distant relatives who provided some aide to the Corathi during their war with the Ividians. With the entirety of the Orion Alliance now dividing their combined forces, the two sides ramped up their efforts to invade the Alliance. On solar day 76207 (August 2399), the Kotuun launched a surprise attack on Galdorai II, an Alliance world near the Kotuun border.  Twenty-six million people were killed, and the war began in earnest.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).   The protracted war lasted for five years, and ended with a Corathi defeat on solar day 78506 (November 2405) in a climactic battle on Kel Shivaat. Xi’yor was killed on the planet’s surface by Captain Zachary Hunter. The subsequent Treaty of Juton did not recognize any of the Corathi Empire’s territorial claims, and the remnants of the once-mighty civilization were forced to settle in the territory secured by the Kotuun in the years prior to the war.  (“Where Angels Fear to Tread” [TFF], “The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).  The distant world of Kalidar would serve as the new Corathi homeworld.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).


In response to the Treaty of Juton, a dissident movement known as the Brotherhood of Xi’yor took shape. Commanded by Overseer Xa’yen, the group initially sought to destabilize the Corathi Empire and the Orion Alliance through acts of violence. However, the advent of the quantum phase transition in July 2406 changed Xa’yen’s focus for the Brotherhood. Instead of saving the Corathi Empire, he instead focused on creating a new empire far from the phase transition. In order to accomplish his goal, Xa’yen attempted to raise an army of ancient Eqra soldiers. His efforts frequently violated the Treaty of Juton, and in October 2406, the Cerebrate Talyere and the Conclave of Overseers enlisted the aid of the Orion Alliance to stop Xa’yen. A subsequent battle near the Gokadi homeworld saw the destruction of Xa’yen’s flagship, the Kel-ti’yar, and with it, much of the Brotherhood. The fate of Xa’yen was not known. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Corathi War.  A largescale interstellar conflict between the Corathi Empire, the Orion Planetary Alliance, and many other powers in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.  At the end of the Great War five thousand years ago, the vast majority of the Corathi Empire was banished to a sealed cavity deep inside hyperspace by the Ividians.  After many millennia in isolation, a flexure developed within the Alteran Expanse that allowed the Corathi egress from their prison in January 2395.  (“Beginnings” [TFF]).  They existed on the outskirts of the Orion Alliance for several years, building their forces and gathering power, before forging an alliance with the Kotuun on solar day 75979 (April 2399).  The Kotuun were distant relations of the Corathi who kept out of the war with the Ividians and went on to maintain a peaceful empire near the Orion Alliance for many centuries.  Eager to reclaim their old territories, and with the entirety of the Orion Alliance dividing their forces, the Corathi and Kotuun ramped up their efforts to invade the Alliance.  On solar day 76207 (August 2399), the Kotuun launched a surprise attack on Galdorai II, an Alliance world near the Kotuun border. Twenty-six million people were killed, and the war began in earnest.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).  


The protracted war lasted for five years and ended with a Corathi defeat on solar day 78389 (November 2405).  The subsequent Treaty of Juton did not recognize any of the Corathi Empire’s territorial claims, and the remnants of the once-mighty civilization were forced to settle in the territory secured by the Kotuun in the years prior to the war.  (“Where Angels Fear to Tread” [TFF], “The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).  The distant world of Kalidar would serve as the new Corathi homeworld.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

Cortisan Enclave.  An infamous branch of the Corathi Empire’s government devoted to intelligence and espionage. (“Safe Harbor” [SU]). In the years after the Corathi War, the enclave was severely diminished. When Overseer Xa’yen came to prominence in late 2406, a severely weakened enclave was unable to place an agent aboard his flagship. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Gokadi Republic. A vast and extremely powerful empire that controlled wide swaths of the Milky Way galaxy around 5,000 years ago. Their homeworld was located in the Dymika Segment, a globular cluster some 84,000 light-years from Corathi space. Because they were a non-humanoid species, the Gokadi often struggled with life in the stars; in response, they created a race of machines known as the Eqra to assist them. For a time, the Gokadi and the Eqra existed peacefully among their weaker neighbors, but when the Great War between the Corathi and the Ividians resulted in the annihilation of both empires, the Gokadi were quick to fill the void. They easily conquered the Denvali and dealt many blows to the Kotuun before the Eqra intervened. As arbiters of peace, the Eqra made efforts to forge a peace treaty, however, the Gokadi were not interested in peace.  They instead slaughtered the Eqra, a critical error that resulted in the Gokadi's eventual decline. Without assistance from the Eqra, the Gokadi's dominion soon faded after a disaster (of unknown origin) on Felchack II, and they were subsequently relegated to myths and legends. 


Thousands of years later, in late 2406, the Gokadi were rediscovered by the crew of the OAS Majestic. Gokadi Ambassador Quayjin was initially reluctant to interact with the Majestic crew, but when it was revealed to Quayjin that the Eqra had been repurposed by the Corathi and the Erytians for war, the Gokadi took immediate action. They returned to the Dymika Segment and after a fierce battle with the Eqra, obliterated their entire homeworld. Afterward,  the Gokadi retreated from the Milky Way in search of the Nine. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Great War.  An ancient conflict between the Corathi Empire and the Ividian Confederation.  In the early years of the Corathi Empire some 5,000 years ago, a period of rapid expansion brought the fledgling empire into territory that had been long held by the Ividians.  Conflict ensued and developed into a protracted war that resulted in the eventual annihilation of both civilizations. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).  In the final hours the war, the Ividians managed to seal the bulk of the Corathi fleet into a hyperspace cavity.  Though the Ividians prevailed, so costly was the victory that the entire species was doomed to extinction in the years that followed.  The Great War soon passed into legend and its mysterious aggressors faded from memory. (“Beginnings” [TFF]).


In the years that followed, the Gokadi Republic rose to prominence to fill the power vacuum left in the conflict’s wake. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]). Thousands of years later, in January 2395, a small flexure in the Alteran Expanse gave the Corathi egress from their eternal prison.  In an attempt to restore their empire to its former glory, the Corathi would soon become embroiled in a protracted war with the Orion Planetary Alliance. (“Moments of Transition” [SU], “In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).


The History of Shavoth-ur. An ancient Kotuun tome that chronicled the ill-fated colony of Shavoth-ur. The book was written in an ancient dialect that was difficult to read, though many translations seemed to indicate a portentous plague of darkness swept over the colony and eradicated it. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


kyenanthi. An ancient language that was used by both the Corathi and the Kotuun. It was a language for the educated elite and was therefore very difficult to read. Though many passages within the sacred Tome of Na’zar were written in kyenanthi, the language eventually fell out of favor, leaving a considerable portion of the text unintelligible. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU], “The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Orion Planetary Alliance.  A union of major political and economic powers located in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.  In the early twenty-fifth century, the Alliance spanned several hundred light years and had a population of approximately 706 billion.  The concept of an alliance was initially posed by the Azdahr in the year 2084, when their intellectual endeavors were increasingly hindered by the political instability of their neighbors.  Over the course of the next century, the Azdahr laid the foundations for political unions with nearby governments they deemed complementary to the cause.  The Rutanians, for example, were skilled economists, and the Procyons capable warriors.  On solar day zero—April 4, 2191—the three races united under a treaty known as Agreement 5867-B, thus allowing the Azdahr to pursue their interests without having to worry about economic or military concerns. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).  In the decades that followed, the Orion Planetary Alliance would expand to dozens of worlds, including Algenib, Azha, and Kaiberon.


In the late twenty-second century, the inclusion of Earth and the Solar System into the Alliance became a point of contention.  Many Alliance members including the Azdahr and the Procyons considered the people of Earth a primitive, backwards people with no intrinsic value; their planet’s ecosystem was on the verge of total collapse and their efforts to sustain themselves elsewhere within their star system were mired in decades of violent warfare.  It was the opinion of many within the Senate that the entire Solar System be placed under permanent quarantine in order to leave humanity to its bloody fate.  The humans, however, had some allies within the Alliance and managed to charm their way into the Senate’s good graces and eventually earned a position within the Alliance.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).


The Alliance faced its greatest test when the Corathi Empire and Kotuun Imperium forged an alliance on solar day 75979 (April 2399).  Designed to restore the ancient Corathi Empire to power, it marked the beginning of a protracted and bloody war, which began in earnest on solar day 76207 (August 2399), when the Kotuun launched a surprise attack on the Alliance world of Galdorai II that resulted in the demise of twenty-six million people.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]). The protracted war lasted for five years and ended with a Corathi defeat on solar day 78506 (November 2405).  The subsequent peace treaty did not recognize any of the Corathi Empire’s territorial claims, and the remnants of the once-mighty civilization were forced to settle in the territory secured by the Kotuun in the years prior to the war.  (“Where Angels Fear to Tread” [TFF], “The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


The Orion Planetary Alliance was governed as a federal state.  Individual members of the Alliance were generally self-governed regions, but subject to the rules and regulations established by the Senate on Azdahra. Other divisions of the government included a Security Council (responsible for military action) and an Intelligence Division.  (“In the Valley of the Shadow of Death” [SU], “Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).


Star Force.  An Earth-based military organization under the authority of Alliance Security Council.  It was charged primarily with the defense of the Orion Planetary Alliance, but also served as a means to explore the uncharted space beyond the borders of the Alliance.  The Star Force maintained numerous bases on Earth, including facilities in New York City and London; its primary headquarters were situated in the city of Dubai.  Earth also maintained several off-world training facilities, including a branch of the Star Force Academy on Valefor VI. (“Moments of Transition” [SU], “Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]). 


Though the Star Force was an arm of the Security Council, Earth was given wide latitude to operate the organization as it saw fit—though its independent actions were still placed under the scrutiny of the Security Council.  It was instrumental in the victory over the Corathi during the Corathi War, and when the Erytians first posed a threat in July 2406, the Star Force was quick to deploy a fleet of starships to the Tarqaron System in response.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

System Wars. A series of violent conflicts that took place in the Solar System during the twenty-second century. With Earth on the verge of a climate catastrophe and natural resources dwindling, many nations turned to the asteroids and moons in the outer parts of the star system for new realms to exploit. Mining rights were often points of contention. In 2187, the Saturnian moon Mimas was destroyed by the European Union when the United South American Nations tried to mine the moon without permission. The wars eventually ended when Earth was granted entry into the Orion Planetary Alliance, however, wide swaths of the planet were left irradiated or otherwise uninhabitable. (“Home Front” [SU]).

The Tome of Na’zar. A religious text written by the Corathi Prophet Na’zar around 5,000 years ago.  While it covered a wide variety of subjects—from historical accounts to cooking recipes—it was primarily coveted by the Corathi and the Kotuun for the many teachings written by Na’zar, which served as a guide for both civilizations for many millennia. Despite its widespread popularity, much of the book was written in kyenanthi, an ancient and difficult language that was usually reserved for scholars—thus rendering many of the book’s historical accounts unintelligible to modern Corathi and Kotuun. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU], “Home Front” [SU], “The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Treaty of Juton. The treaty that ended the long and bloody war between the Orion Planetary Alliance and the Corathi Empire. While most hailed the treaty as historic, it imposed many harsh sanctions on the Corathi and established a demilitarized zone along a wide swath of their border—thus angering many within the Corathi Empire, who saw the restrictions as an insult. A group of dissatisfied dissidents led by Overseer Xa’yen would eventually establish The Brotherhood of Xi’yor to fight against these perceived injustices. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Vale Corporation.  A wildly successful interplanetary exploration and technology company.  In the twenty-fifth century, the Orion Planetary Alliance often contracted the Vale Corporation to construct settlements on newly discovered worlds.  In 2406, the Vale Corporation was—under the supervision of Cora Sandoval—contracted to build a colony for the Alliance on Tarqaron VI.  However, shortly before construction could begin, the entirety of the Tarqaron System was destroyed by a quantum phase transition.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).  Days later, when the Erytians emerged as a threat to the region, the Vale Corporation deployed a fleet of starships to drive off the Erytians and later, assume direct control of the entire Tarqaron Sector in violation of Alliance law.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]). Several weeks later, in August 2406, the Vale Corporation dispatched a small corsair to Titania in order to intercept a shipment of Byzerian cocoa. Their efforts ultimately ended in failure. (“Home Front” [SU]).

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