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“Moments of Transition”

Solar Day 78632  •  July 18, 2406

The Starlight is dispatched to an uncharted region of space to establish a new colony for the Orion Planetary Alliance, but a strange anomaly threatens the mission.

#1  • Published 6/22/2020

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“Safe Harbor”

Solar Day 78633.12  •  July 19, 2406

While the quantum phase transition consumes the Tarqaron System, the Starlight crew must battle an enigmatic new enemy.

#2 • Published 6/22/2020

This episode is included with “Moments of Transition.”

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“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death”

Solar Day 78636.14  •  July 22, 2406

Commander Mitchell leads a dangerous fact-finding mission into the heart of Erytian space.  Meanwhile, the Starlight crew attempt to study the quantum phase transition.

#3 • Published 6/22/2020

This episode is included with “Moments of Transition.”

001 Moments Of Transition.png

“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow”

Solar Day 78640.2  •  July 26, 2406

Captain Hunter leads the crew into battle as the Erytians converge upon the Tarqaron System.

#4 • Published  6/22/2020

This episode is included with “Moments of Transition.”

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“Home Front”

Solar Day 78653  •  August 8, 2406

The Starlight returns to Earth for repairs after the Battle of the Ring, giving the crew a chance to cope with everything that has unfolded in recent weeks. 

#5 • Published 1/17/2021

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“The Sword of Damocles”

Solar Day 78701.22  •  September 25, 2406

Old wounds are opened when the Starlight is ordered to track down a rogue Corathi overseer who is determined to resume the war with the Orion Alliance.

#6 • Published 12/13/2021

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“The Emerald Shroud”

Solar Day 78XXX.XX  •  2406

Stuff happens.

#7 • Published ?/?/2022


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