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If you are interested in receiving an email alert whenever I post a new story, please send an email to StarlightUniv[at] (with the @ symbol replacing the [at], of course).  Be sure to include a brief message that explicitly states you want to be included on the update list. 

StarlightUniv[at] can also be used to send me a lovely message about absolutely anything else you want to talk about!  I'm down to chat about the weather.  Or that sweater your grandmother knitted for you back in 1987.  I'll even discuss Starlight Universe, should you so desire.  Questions, comments, concerns, whatever.

If you're interested in the myriad planets that I have on the website and wish you could have one of your own, I'm also (generally) available to make you a swanky new texture for a very reasonable price. I also have an extensive catalog of planets/textures already completed that are not featured on this site, so if you're just looking for a render, I can help you there, too.

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