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94-Gemini.  A magnetar on the edge of the Gemini Cluster.  It was designated anomalous by the Azdahr.  The Starlight was assigned to investigate 94-Gemini on solar day 78674 (August 2406).  (“Home Front” [SU]).

abandoned Erytian Outpost. A barren class-T4 planet deep in the heart of Erytian space.  Orbiting 0.39 astronomical units from a dim red dwarf, the planet was the only one in the star system.  Once long ago the planet was home to a considerable population of Erytians and Eqra and boasted an impressive orbital defense system.  The Erytians abandoned the planet sometime in the early twenty-fourth century with the intent to cannibalize it for resources, but the planet was somehow overlooked and remained a lifeless ruin for decades.  Hoping to push back against ongoing Erytian aggression in their home universe, the Revaki Imperium launched an attack on the outpost in 2396.  Their entire fleet was decimated by the defense system in less than five minutes. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).  In July 2406, Dra’kor Molok brought a team of Star Force officers to the outpost ruins in order to gather intelligence on the Erytians. (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).


Adin Kel System. A star system near the Corathi Empire’s border with the Orion Alliance. In November 2405, one of the final battles of the Corathi War was waged in the Adin Kel System. Afterwards, the remains of the Corathi fleet were contained within the system. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Alfitaria.  A planet that Alex Cortez visited in 2403. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

Algenib.  A small colony in the heart of the Orion Planetary Alliance, Algenib was ideally suited for farming and produced food for much of the Alliance.  It had a population of about 90 people, including Aidan McKenzie’s grandparents. (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).


Alpha Centauri. A planet in the Alpha Centauri System. It has one of the 740 bars across the galaxy with the name “The Black Hole.” (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Alteran Expanse.  A large molecular cloud located on the edge of the Orion Alliance.  (“Home Front” [SU]).  In the year 2395, a tear in the fabric of space formed within the Alteran Expanse, allowing the Corathi to escape from their hyperspace prison. (“Beginnings, part I” [TFF]).


Aquila Rift. A vast region of dark interstellar clouds and cosmic dust located on the fringe of the Orion Planetary Alliance. The space beyond was generally not explored, though the Azdahr survey ship ASV Tinkazur spent ninety-seven years charting a portion of the area. In October 2406, the Orion Alliance was able to locate an Erytian base near a neutron star beyond the Aquila Rift. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Ashenvale VI.  A planet in the Orion Planetary Alliance. Courtney Mitchell once purchased some tea cups there. (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Azdhara.  The Azdahr homeworld and primary headquarters of the Orion Planetary Alliance. (“Moments of Transition” [SU]). Though the Azdahr were strong proponents of advanced technology, they also made great efforts to preserve their planet. As a result, they adhered to a strict policy of noninterference when it came to flora and fauna; nature was quite often allowed to take its course. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Azha III.  An exceptionally beautiful planet in the Orion Alliance.  Aidan McKenzie moved to Azha after graduating from the Star Force Academy in 2406. (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Bellatrix.  A planet in non-aligned space about 100 light-years from the Orion Alliance.  Kevin McKenzie suggested his brother visit Bellatrix when a trip to Kaiberon II was deemed too expensive. (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).

Beta Henope System. A remote planetary system some distance from Tarqaron. It had an unremarkable G-type star at its center and a single class-J5P gas giant planet in orbit. The Shuttlecraft Valkyrie used the Beta Henope System as a staging ground for its foray into the Erytian Universe in July 2406. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).


Beta Kandar System. A remote star system located well beyond the Orion Alliance. In 2406, a Corathi computer virus was able to infect the OAS Starlight after it disguised itself as a packet of new information on the Beta Kandar System. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Byzell VI.  The Byzerian Homeworld.  It was located about 100 light-years from the Alteran Expanse.  (“Home Front” [SU]).


Castor V. A planet in the Orion Alliance. It was known for its famously bad hockey team, the Castor Wilds. Blake Miller was born and raised on Castor V. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Cebalrai.  A planet in the Orion Alliance well known for snorkeling opportunities within its Crystal Glades.  A young Aidan McKenzie often lamented his inability to visit the world.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).


Clovatis III. A rocky planet once inhabited by the Eqra. Cadet Za’lon saw the planet during her time in the Great Machine in October 2406. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Delta Canis Majoris.  A star system near Earth.  In 2379, Roger Thompson met a woman named Loretta and intended to spend the night with her.  Alas, Thompson was passed out drunk and missed the rendezvous; Loretta left for Delta Canis Majoris the next day. (“Home Front” [SU]).

Drevinter System.  A heavily irradiated planetary system controlled by the Adraxian Dominion. In the 2370s, a Hadean garbage scow under the command of Roger Thompson allegedly dumped some hazardous waste in the Drevinter System.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).


Dymika Segment. A globular cluster located approximately 85,000 light-years from the Corathi Empire. The Gokadi homeworld was located in the Dymika Segment. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Earth.  The third planet in the Solar System, Earth served as the homeworld and seat of power for the human race in the twenty-fifth century. A class-T8 world, Earth was considered one of the most diverse and prominent members of the Orion Planetary Alliance.  Prior to its rise to power in the early twenty-third century, Earth was a reviled backwater world plagued by violent warfare between its numerous nation-states, much of which was precipitated by the planet’s ongoing climate catastrophe.   Neighboring members of the Orion Alliance, including the Azdahr and Procyons, favored a quarantine of the entire Solar System in order to contain the violence within, but Earth’s denizens were eventually able to overcome their many difficulties and become productive members of the Alliance.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Enilida. The largest moon in orbit of Margulis VIII. Designated class-C4M, Enilida was a barren wasteland composed primarily of carbon. It was charted by the OAS Starlight in July 2406. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

Eredas-il. A small Corathi moon that was converted into a starbase during the Corathi War. The crew of the OAS Starlight was briefly held captive there near the end of the war. (“Horn and Ivory” [TFF]), “The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Felchak II. A planet controlled by the Gokadi several thousand years ago. A catastrophic incident of unknown origin befell the world and eventually prompted the decline of the Gokadi Republic. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Flechak System. A star system located in Adraxian space. In October 2406, when the location of the similarly sounding Felchak II could not be determined, Cerebrate Talyere suggested the Flechak System as a possible alternative. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Galdorai II.  A class-T8 human settlement near the Corathi border that was attacked and destroyed by the Kotuun at the outset of the war in late 2399. Most of the planet’s twenty-six million inhabitants were killed during the assault.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).  The planet was still uninhabitable six years later. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

Gamma Aquilae System.  A star system located near Tarqaron. In July 2406, an Adraxian scout ship reported seeing an Erytian mothership in the Gamma Aquilae System, but it turned out to be a pair of asteroids with high concentrations of chrovadium distorting their sensors. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).


Gartia IV. An Astorian planet. In September 2406, Alan Christopher claimed that Talyere saved his skin on Gartia IV, however that was a ruse to prove that someone was impersonating Talyere. In reality, Christopher had never been to Gartia IV. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Gokadi homeworld. An inhospitable ammonia-variant of a Class-T world. It was located in a globular cluster known as the Dymika Segment, located approximately 85,000 light-years from the Corathi Empire. Though the Gokadi thrived on the world for many centuries, it was eventually abandoned when the Gokadi Republic went into decline. In the subsequent ages, much of the planet’s infrastructure was overgrown with vines and inundated with thick bogs. The Gokadi returned in late 2406 and destroyed the entire planet after learning both the Corathi and the Erytians had stolen technology from the world—namely the Eqra. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Haveena II. A class-T5 planet controlled by the Astorians. Located near the Corathi border, it was hotly contested during the Corathi War. In September 2406, Overseer Xa’yen staged a fake Eqra attack on Haveena II to lure to OAS Majestic away from the OAS Starlight. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Heka IV.  A planet in the Orion Alliance.  In July 2406, Roger Thompson found a cheap retirement facility for his mother on Heka IV. (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).

Jovan IV.  A planet in Hadean space, near the Corathi border.  On solar day 78653 (August 2406) the Astorian Consulate on Jovan IV was bombed; 11 were killed in the blast and 34 were injured.  Though it was widely believed the Corathi were responsible for the attack, nobody claimed responsibility.  (“Home Front” [SU]).

Ka’Tula Prime.  An Alliance world located near the Alteran Expanse.  (“Home Front” [SU]).  It was hotly contested during the early years of the Corathi War and suffered heavy damage when the Corathi attacked the planet in late 2396. (“Meridian Dance” [TFF]). 

Kaiberon II.  A tropical class-T10 world in the heart of the Orion Planetary Alliance, Kaiberon II was a popular vacation spot among the more affluent denizens of the Alliance.  The lush Valtrean Archipelago was well known for its beauty and drew many tourists eager to partake of its numerous diving and snorkeling opportunities. A trip to Kaiberon was generally considered a once in a lifetime opportunity.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).

Kalidar. The fourth planet in the Kalidar System.  As class-T8 world, Kalidar was the homeworld for both the Kotuun and the Corathi in the early twenty-fifth century. It boasted a number of biomes, though the vast majority of the habitable land was near the water.  Kalidar was settled by the Kotuun some 2,000 years ago. At the time, the untamed wilds were dominated by large beasts known as thil’virgun. Over the subsequent centuries, the creatures were hunted into extinction and the Kotuun became the planet’s dominant species. The capital city of Keldoth-il was founded shortly thereafter.  (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU], “The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).  While the Kotuun held dominion over the land, Kalidar’s oceans continued to harbor a litany of dangerous creatures. (“Home Front” [SU]). In late 2405, the Treaty of Juton merged the Corathi Empire into the Kotuun Imperium, and Kalidar became the de facto homeworld for both the Corathi and the Kotuun. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

 The Starlight and the Majestic visited Kalidar in late 2406 to discuss the fate of Overseer Xa’yen. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Kelanon System. A star system located deep in the heart of the Corathi Empire. In 2406, the system was the site of an illicit communication array that was used by Overseer Xa’yen to lure the OAS Starlight into an ambush in the Velinar System. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Kel-untu V. A planet in the Corathi Empire that was known for its exquisite—and rare— t’kala tea. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Kel Shivaat. A barren desert world in the heart of Corathi space. On solar day 78389 (November 2406) it was the site of the Corathi War’s final battle. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Lamelis Minor. A planet in the Erytian universe that was once controlled by the Kovium Republic. It was the site of the climactic Battle of Lamelis Minor, in which the Erytian Empire defeated the Kovium Republic and drove the entire species into extinction. (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Margulis VIII.  A class-N1 ice giant located approximately 31 astronomical units from the center of the Margulis System.  Known locally as Tagates, the planet had 18 satellites, the largest of which was a Class C4M moon known as Enilida. The planet was charted by the OAS Starlight in July 2406. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

Margulis System.  A star system located 31 light-years from Tarqaron, the Margulis System was charted by the OAS Mahabharata in July 2406. (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).  The OAS Starlight later joined the Mahabharata to regroup after the destruction of Tarqaron on July 17. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

Maringa V.  A planet in the Orion Alliance.  Courtney Mitchell’s first assignment after graduating from the Star Force Academy was aboard the Maringa Orbital Station. (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Mimas.  A small moon that once orbited the planet Saturn.  A casualty of the System Wars, Mimas was destroyed by the European Union in 2187 after the United South American Nations started to mine the moon without permission. (“Home Front” [SU]).

NGC 44232.  The Orion Alliance’s designation for the Revaki System prior to making first contact with its inhabitants in July 2406.  NGC 44232 was located approximately 140 light-years from the Tarqaron System.  (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

NGC 47988.  An unremarkable Wolf-Rayet star near the Tarqaron System.  Unusually strong stellar winds were common in the area, and by July 2406, they had blown the star’s atmosphere across half the sector.  Zachary Hunter had taken an interest in the star prior to the Starlight's visit to Tarqaron in July 2406. (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).

Omicron Velorum IV.  A rocky and barren class-T9 planet near the Tarqaron System.  In order to minimize casualties during the Battle of the Ring, all non-essential personnel from the Starlight, Comet, and Centurion were evacuated to Omicron Velorum IV in July 2406. (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Omicron Velorum VI. A class-T5 desert world near the Tarqaron System where the OAS Starlight rendezvoused with the Comet and Centurion in July 2406. (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Regulus.  A heavily populated world in the Orion Alliance.  The shipyards in orbit proved vital to rebuilding the fleet in the aftermath of the Corathi War.  Zachary Hunter served as director of the shipyards for a brief time in early 2406.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).

Revak (alternate). The original homeworld of the Revaki people.  When a quantum phase transition emerged nearby in the early twenty-third century, the planet was soon under siege by the Erytian Empire.  Over the course of the following century, many of the planet’s inhabitants were evacuated to the Starlight Universe.  Revak was claimed by the phase transition on July 24, 2406. (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

Revaki System. One of the two star systems controlled by the Revaki Imperium in the Starlight Universe.  The second planet in the system served as the homeworld for the Revaki people after they migrated from their home universe sometime prior to 2406.  Prior to making contact with the Revaki, the Orion Alliance designated the Revaki System as NGC 44232. (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).


Roshana System. A remote and ancient star system located well beyond the Orion Planetary Alliance. By December 2406, the Roshana star had evolved into a red giant; as a result, both of its planets were incinerated, leaving only a vast cloud of dust in orbit. (“The Emerald Shroud” [SU]).

sector J2.000.059.120.  A region of Erytian space that was often patrolled by the Eqra. (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).

sector K3.581.316.002.  A region of Erytian space that was often patrolled by the Eqra. (“Destines of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).


Shavoth-ur. Located near the Tartarus Veil, Shavoth-ur was a remote world colonized by the Kotuun approximately 2,000 years ago. Shortly thereafter, the colony was destroyed by unknown forces—possibly the Gokadi or the Eqra. The Kotuun subsequently abandoned the entire region.  A book called The History of Shavoth-ur chronicles the fall of the colony. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Sutiros IV.  A small planet located in Nashiran space, Sutiros IV was home to a sect of the Acolytes of Gaius for over a century. (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).

Tagetes.  The local designation for the planet Margulis VIII. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).

Tarqaron VI.  A class-T8 world located several hundred light-years from Earth, Tarqaron VI represented the Orion Alliance’s best hope for establishing a presence in an otherwise unexplored region of space.  Tarqaron boasted an impressive ecosystem and breathtaking views; in an attempt to mitigate damage to the planet’s surface, the Vale Corporation built several orbital facilities on behalf of the Alliance.  Construction on the colony itself was expected to begin in July 2406, but Tarqaron ended up being the first casualty of the quantum phase transition on July 17. The entire planet was destroyed by the anomaly, and nearly 10,000 lives were lost.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).

Tarqaron Expanse.  The informal name for the quantum phase transition that erupted within the Tarqaron System in July 2406. (“In the Shadow of the Valley of Death” [SU]).


Tartarus Veil. An emission nebula near the Corathi Empire. It encompassed parts of thirty sectors and, due to an abundance of hyperspace dead zones, was generally considered impenetrable. After the decline of their republic, the Gokadi abandoned several hundred Eqra fighters within the nebula. The ships remained dormant until late 2406, when the Corathi Overseer Xa’yen reactivated the Eqra from the Gokadi homeworld. The Eqra’s fierce defense of the Tartarus Veil forced the OAS Starlight and its allies to abandon their efforts to traverse the nebula. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Titania.  Discovered by William Herschel in 1787, Titania was the largest moon orbiting Uranus.  During the System Wars of the twenty-second century, Titania served as a staging ground for the European Union’s defense of the outer planets.  Their primary base of operations, Fort Herschel, was bombed by the United South American Nations in 2187 after the Europeans refused to negotiate for the mining rights to Saturn’s moon Mimas.  The fort was subsequently abandoned.   Doctor Shibata visited Titania in August 2406 to pick up a “parcel” from her mysterious Yubidian contact on Ka’Tula Prime. (“Home Front” [SU]).


Tuzaad IV. The site of a Kotuun military installation during the Corathi War. It was attacked and destroyed by the Orion Alliance during the conflict. A young Xa’yen was stationed on Tuzaad IV at the time of the attack and was believed to have been killed amidst the carnage. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Uzan-ul System.  A planetary system in the very heart of the Corathi Empire, about 780 light-years from the nearest border.  The Corathi maintained a data hive in the Uzan-ul System.  (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU], “The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Vantazi XII. A glaciated class-T6 planet located in the Vantazi System. With an average temperature of -233 degrees, it was considered very inhospitable to life, however, vast deposits of monazite made it attractive for mining. The Gokadi established a small outpost on the planet approximately 5,000 years ago. The mine was abandoned after the collapse of the Gokadi Republic and largely forgotten, until it was rediscovered by Overseer Xa’yen in 2406. Xa’yen surveyed the mines and collected any remaining Gokadi technology—namely, the Eqra. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Vantazi System.  A large planetary system within the Corathi Demilitarized Zone. It became familiar to the Kotuun many thousands of years ago, when the star would appear in the nighttime sky each year around the time of the autumn harvest.  They named the star Vantaz, after the Kotuun word for harvest.  In September 2406, the Corathi Overseer Xa’yen entered the Vantazi System in search of ancient Eqra ruins on Vantaz XII.  (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Valefor VI.  During the Corathi War, Valefor VI was home to a military base that served as a training facility for Star Force troops.  Aidan McKenzie was stationed there from 2402 to 2405. (“Moments of Transition” [SU]).

Vel-Anox VIII. A mineral-rich planet in the Corathi Empire. Several thousand years ago, it was controlled by the Gokadi; they established a small mining operation on the planet, but abandoned it after a presumably catastrophic incident on Felchak II sent the Gokadi Republic into decline. By the year 2406, the Gokadi had clandestinely returned to Vel-Anox VIII with their mothership. On solar day 78726 (October 2406), the crew of the OAS Majestic made contact with the Gokadi on Vel-Anox VIII. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Vel-Atiir VIII.  A remote world controlled by the Corathi Empire, Vel-Atiir VIII was the site of a major engagement during the Corathi War.  Though there was little strategic value to the planet, the destruction of a communication array in orbit briefly hindered Corathi war efforts. (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).


Vel-Sh’rak IX. A planet near the Corathi Demilitarized Zone. It was one of two monazite-rich planets being mined by the Corathi in September 2406. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Vel-Toraq V.  A remote planet within the Corathi Empire. During the Corathi War, the Corathi maintained a clandestine base on Vel-Toraq V; its functionality was briefly hindered by the destruction of a communication array orbiting Vel-Atiir VIII. (“Destinies of Flame and Sorrow” [SU]).


Vel-uqad VII. A planet within the Corathi Empire. Overseer Shin’on’s failed bid for political office on the world was considered foolish by many. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Velashtinar. In Kotuun mythology, an ancient paradise that had been swallowed by the mists of time. Xa’yen sought Velashtinar in 2406, but his plans were stopped by Za’lon. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Velinar I. A class-H1 gas giant located in the Velinar System. On solar day 78705 (September 2406), Velinar I was the site of a battle between the OAS Starlight and two Corathi warships. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Velinar System. A planetary system deep in the heart of Corathi Space. In September 2406, Overseer Xa’yen lured the OAS Starlight into a deadly ambush near Velinar I. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Xenuin V. A planet in the Corathi Empire. It was believed Overseer Xa’yen visited the world while looking for the Eqra in 2406, however, there was no indication of any technology on the planet. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Xytek Cluster.  A remote part of the Corathi Empire, the Xytec Cluster was under surveillance by the Orion Alliance in July 2406 after some unusual military activity was noted.  (“Moments of Transition” [SU]). In September 2406, it was discovered that the Corathi were constructing eight Velthana­-class warships at a shipyard in the Xytec Cluster. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Yatha IX. Located deep inside the Tartarus Veil, Yatha IX was an inhospitable planet that was once part of the Gokadi Republic. The Yatha IX Relay in orbit of the planet was used by the Gokadi to quickly traverse the 84,000 light-years between the Milky Way and the Tartarus Veil. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

Zaphias Nebula.  A large emission nebula whose outermost edge was about two light-years from the Tarqaron System.  In July 2406, the OAS Starlight sought refuge from the Revaki inside of the Zaphias Nebula. (“Safe Harbor” [SU]).


Zelkundi IV. A planet near the Corathi Demilitarized Zone. It was one of two monazite-rich planets being mined by the Corathi in September 2406. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Zeta Tauri System. A planetary system located near the Corathi Empire. Per the Treaty of Juton, the hyperspace relay station near the Zeta Tauri System was maintained by the Nashirans in 2406. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).


Zoburon VII. A planet within the Corathi Empire. In 2406, Overseer Xa’yen was believed to have visited the planet while looking for the Eqra. (“The Sword of Damocles” [SU]).

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