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  • Writer's pictureChris Adamek

Just a quick update today, the Class H: Helium planet class has been added to the database. It's nothing too exciting, but it was a rather glaring omission from the classifications, and that error has now been rectified!

In other news, I'm making good progress with the next episode! Look forward to seeing it sometime over the summer (or winter, if you happen to be in the southern hemisphere).

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  • Writer's pictureChris Adamek

The next episode of Starlight Universe, "Home Front," is now available for you to purchase on Amazon, in both Kindle and paperback formats! Other recent updates include commentary for "Home Front" in the Extras section (beware of spoilers), and various additions to the database, including updates to the Orion Alliance map and most of the other various database sections.

I've also decided to use this newfangled blog thing to start relaying all the Starlight news that's fit to print. Apparently you can subscribe and get notified whenever I post an update. Wouldn't that just brighten your day? 💖

So, in true social media fashion, I will now beg for you to like, comment (preferably about turnips), and subscribe!

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