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A terrible fate has beset the universe.
A quantum phase transition is a devastating anomaly that defies the very laws of science. It is an unstoppable force that annihilates everything in its path as it journeys across the cosmos. Thousands have already succumbed to the darkness, but that is merely the tip of the iceberg, for the fate of all creation hangs in the balance.

A powerful nemesis appears.
Eager to capitalize upon the misfortune of others, the Erytians have emerged from their otherworldly realm to harness the infinite potential of the phase transition. They care little for the fate of humanity and its allies, but will respond with deadly force should anyone interfere with their ambitious plans. So long as the Erytians hold dominion over the phase transition, humanity’s fate is bleak.

Hope yet remains.
The universe is full of mysteries. Wondrous beauty lurks within every nebula. Alien civilizations, both young and old, inhabit worlds across billions of light-years. Somewhere, deep within this boundless ocean of stars, the key to unlocking the mystery of the phase transition exists. Join Captain Zachary Hunter and the crew of the OAS
Starlight as they explore space, forge alliances, and work to bring hope back to a universe teetering on the edge.

Starlight Universe is a new science fiction series with a vast storyline, epic space battles, and a heavy focus on its characters. The quantum phase transition might be the end of the universe, but it's only the beginning of the adventure!

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Starlight Universe is a new book series written by worst-selling author Chris Adamek. After toiling in the shadows and writing fan fiction for many years, I decided to branch out and try to write something original. Thus, I have painstakingly crafted a universe of my own, which, in a very stunning turn of events, is called Starlight Universe.  I'll be the first to admit that I haven't set out to reinvent the wheel with this series. I have drawn inspiration from many of my favorite franchises (Star Trek, Stargate, Babylon 5, Mass Effect, Halo, etc.) and lovingly melded them into the Starlight Universe.  So it definitely feels familiar, but I've got about three ideas of my own to make things interesting.

My specialty as a writer is the creation of complex, memorable characters.  If you want space battles and explosions and torpedoes and shields that are down to 47%, you're in luck, because I do that, too. But my primary concern is the characters. As Stephen King once said, "Plot is a last resort for bad writers."  So while other writers might forge ahead focused exclusively on the plot, I will oftentimes pause and give the characters a moment to shine. Rest assured, when the story demands the plot steamroll ahead at full speed, it does... but I like to earn those moments. Those critical junctures are always more impactful when you care about what happens to the characters.

So! I hope that you head on over to this new website called Amazon and check out the


Here's a quick checklist to help you decide:

✅ Science fiction

✅ Memorable characters

✅ Interesting storyline 

✅ Aliens

✅ Big space battles

✅ Grilled cheese

✅ My signature sense of humor

✅ Dear, sweet baby kittens

✅ Less-than-subtle pleas for you to read the books.

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